Printed circuit board

12:08 PM by Linkan

source:pcb design,pcb board,pcb fabrication,pcb layout

Printed circuit board are such kinds of circuit board which contain electrical and electronic components and maintain require internal connection between the circuits components. Printed circuit board or PCB are the backbone of electrical and electronic circuits. Printed circuit board generally consist a insulator board with different layer and also it contain some conductive path to maintain the internal connection of circuit components. In a single word printed circuit board are the backbone of electronic circuits and printed circuit board are help the electrical designer to maximum reduce the circuit shape and ensure the maximum security of electronic circuit.

History of printed circuit board
Paul Eisler the grate inventor of Australia first in 1943 invent printed circuit board.He was working for radio set and made circa as a part of radio set. In 1984 after the war USA relised the printed circuit board in commercial marked.

Printed circuit board
or pcb design
Before design printed circuit board you have to first design your circuit board. After finishing the circuit design you will needs printed circuit board as a backbone of your electrical circuit.You can design your own printed circuit board by hand or you can use pcb software.

Printed circuit board
There are different types of tips and tricks for Printed circuit board or pcb layout.In Printed circuit board you have to reduce the area of high current flowing region.It save your Printed circuit board From over heating and burning pcb. You have to ensure different grounds for different of circuits in your Printed circuit board. In pcb layout you have to more careful about your high frequency electronic circuit.
Printed circuit board or pcb software
There are tones open source or premium pcb software in over the net.You can get some populler pcb software from my article about pcb software.
Safety of printed circuit board

Safety of printed circuit board

You have to must follow some rules as for example:-
1.You must reduce the high current flowing area or conductor length for the batter safety of your printed circuit board.
2.Use a much as electric or magnetic fuse in your printed circuit board.
3.Use multilayer printed circuit board.

Printed circuit board etching

Now a days pcb etching is become so easier and you can made your own printed circuit board from.For more information about pcb etching please read my article about pcb etching.
Thanks you for reading this article carefully and I hope it will help to design yo

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Monpura create a great alertness

4:22 AM by Linkan

Recently the environment of Bangla movie is not so good and creative. But monpura is

completely different front other. Already it setup into Bangladesh people's mind. Thhe spatiality of this movie is it's excellent song with fundamental raw.I called it best because the total combination of this song is outstanding. The song's,the story,best national actors ,actors best performance,(panding)

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Gias Uddin Selim- director of Monpura

8:51 PM by Linkan

Gias Uddin Selim, the director of Monpura, started the shooting of Monpura on june 2007. though the shooting was started on June 2007, but this was a long dreamed venture by the director Gias uddin selim. the shooting of Monpura took 1 year. the shooting has come to an end successfully, recently.

The trailer of Monpura has made a huge hype even before the release of this movie. The middle class(who are the majority in Bangladesh),is been away from cinema hall from a long since, are supposed to make their way back once again to cinema hall due to Monpura. whether the movie is a box office hit or flop, attracting middle class to bangla movie is a certain success of gias uddin salim.

Gias Uddin selim started off his career as Tv play director. his very popular venture was 'Biprotip' which was broadcast on Ekushay TV. That was a toally new 
experiment on bangla TV drama, featuring teenage problems and consequently it earned gias uddin selim a huge popularity. after that he has made a lots of TV drama which brought new dimensions to bangla TV drama.
Monpura is the debut film for Gias Uddin Selim. He has dreamed of making movie from his student life in Rajshahi University. he started with drama making and later after gaining the much required experience, he made Monpura. Its music has already got the attention of millions of listeners. and more people are waiting to see the movie in big screen. Gias Uddin Selim, the director of the movie is also think that this movie will make its way in Box office. "The song will bring new dimension on making Bengali movie in recent time. Its making will also create huge impact among the movie lovers. It will touch the heart of them."- said Gias Uddin selim according to NEW NATION, 27 june, 2008.

Gias Uddin Selim has already made his mark on small screen. now its time for this talented director to show his magic on big screen.
Sourse: Monpura Movie of Bangladesh

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